Sunday, November 4, 2007

New Projects

Ok, so here are a few new things in the house. My newly fall decorated mantel, my new fountain which is my new favorite element in the kitchen, and the last few pictures are of mine and Mitchell's bedroom which just recently got a facelift with new curtains, comforter, and monogrammed shower curtain. The monogrammed bath towels and new mats are coming soon. Let me know what you think about it all . Also, please post any ideas you may have as to what I can put in the space about our bed. It needs something super special to make our room makeover complete.


Kim said...

Impressive!!!! Yeah - you definitely need to tone down the mirror - I see some rub'n buff in your future. Google this stuff - it is dirt cheap and comes in a kazilion colors!!

Cara said...

what about the trick or treat picture in your kitchen...that the boys and us worked so hard on....